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Connect by “Rendering Visible,” Change “The Future”

Vision to Connect Official note



(press releases/media information)

See list


“Vision” (= sight) is an important function closely related to everyday life, impacting the way we live. This project looks to solve social issues based upon “rendering visible” as its approach.

We aim for a new future in which everyone can live, work and play together at any stage of life, allowing them to live independently and actively.


This project was formulated after a thorough discussion with a wide range of participants from citizens, universities, companies and local governments on the theme of “what we want to change and how we want to change it.” We aim to solve social issues using an interdisciplinary approach ― centered on empowerment, which starts with “rendering visible” ― toward a vision of the future we want. Additionally, in order to promote social change, we are working on Research & Development tasks targeting the following: “Designing a society with no digital divide,” “Establishing ‘healthcare that fixes the future’” and "Self-realization and communication reform.”

By achieving connections between people and self-realization that will enable everyone to accurately acquire information from the outside world and society while utilizing it in the best possible manner, we will create a lively and vigorous environment full of freedom and diversity, in a society where people can live vibrantly.


Future image the Center aims for

The idea behind “VISION to CONNECT” is to create a society that is connected by “Rendering Visible”(enabled visualization).

We will disseminate to the world the ideals of a “well-being” society based upon “Rendering Visible” as originated in Japan, and create a society where everyone can independently lead a vibrant and active life that the next generation of children can be proud of.


Behavioral guidelines (values)


~Be the first to achieve the society we want~


~Always be aware of our vision and goals~


~Co-creation that cannot be achieved by one party alone~


~Recognizing diversity and different opinions~


~Strong ties between organizations~

  • SDGs 3
  • SDGs 4
  • SDGs 5
  • SDGs 8
  • SDGs 9
  • SDGs 10
  • SDGs 11
  • SDGs 16
  • SDGs 17


How the scenery changes as the night dawns and light shines through is expressed, showing the change in ideas and values as formerly invisible items are “rendered visible.” The Tanabata Festival streamers create a large arc in the wind, representing as well the creation of a new trend in society emanating from Sendai.


Research activities / Business-University-Business (BUB) system / organization

  • TARGET 01 One can become independent by “rendering visible”surrounding items
  • TARGET 02 One can realize prevention by “rendering visible”surrounding items
  • TARGET 03 One can change by meeting one's challenger’s


  • TASK01 Developing a support system to turn “I can’t” into “I can”
  • TASK02 Development of a futuristic medical checkup and early preventive intervention system that challenges our own health through our eyes
  • TASK03 Developing a system to maintain visual function that won't make anyone have regrets
  • TASK04 Development of a mechanism for behavior change leading to maximized motivation

BUB (Business-University-Business) collaboration model

BUB(Business-University-Business) collaboration model. This is a co-creation system in which the university serves as a hub and strengthens collaboration between companies and local governments, while aiming to incorporate business into society. We encourage the co-creation of backcasting businesses from the exit stage, leading the way in resolving conflicts between companies and matching different industries.

Project Scheme

List of participating institutions (in alphabetical order)

Universities, etc.

  • お茶の水女子大学
  • 関西国際大学
  • 慶應義塾大学
  • 東京大学
  • 東北大学


  • 東北文化学園大学
  • 立命館大学

Companies, etc.

  • あいおいニッセイ同和損保
  • あっと株式会社
  • AEON
  • Wellier
  • NECソリューションイノベータ
  • エレコム株式会社
  • OMRON SINIC X Corporation
  • カゴメ
  • 株式会社クリュートメディカルシステムズ
  • 株式会社GameWith
  • 興和株式会社
  • 参天製薬株式会社
  • 東日本旅客鉄道株式会社
  • ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン ビジョン
  • 住友商事
  • 積水ハウス
  • 千寿製薬株式会社
  • 仙台放送
  • Seoul Semiconductor
  • 第一生命保険株式会社
  • 株式会社トーメーコーポレーション
  • トプコン
  • トプコンヘルスケア
  • Trust
  • 日東メディック株式会社
  • 日本眼科医療センター
  • 公益社団法人 NEXT VISION
  • ノバルティス ファーマ
  • 株式会社ハウディ
  • ViXion株式会社
  • ビーライン
  • ファムズ
  • フォーネスライフ株式会社
  • Lively Up Inc.
  • ロート製薬株式会社
  • わかさ生活
  • わかもと製薬株式会社

Local governments

  • 大崎市
  • 大崎市民病院
  • 仙台市
  • 富谷市
  • 宮城県

Inquiries regarding R&D/collaboration




Project Leader
Toru Nakazawa
  • Professor and Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
  • Deputy Dean, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
  • Special Assistant to President, Tohoku University (University Reform)
  • Deputy Director, Clinical Research, Innovation and Education Center, Tohoku University Hospital

What is your view of an ideal healthy society?

The future society that our Center envisions 10 to 20 years from now is “a type of society where people can live, work and play together regardless of what life stage they are in, while living independently and actively.'' This vision was born out of discussions with over 300 people. We are saddened by the current situation where differences in physical and health conditions are creating divisions between people and society. Therefore, this vision embodies the desire for everyone to coexist with Earth, to “connect with loved ones'' and to “be hearty and hale while attaining self-realization zestfully'' at any stage of life. In order to achieve this vision, various organizations gathered at this Center will bring together their strengths and establish a value chain, creating a circulation of knowledge and money that will transform Japan into a sustainable society that I can see arriving. We would also like to disseminate to the world the ideals of a "well-being society" grounded in the "rendering visible" concept which originated in Japan.

This innovation platform built by our Center will encompass all aspects of our lives and connect them in a genteel style. Through co-creation, we can create new businesses that will always lead to adoption by society, something that could not be done by a single company or researcher as a onesome. We would like to move away from being traditional universities, conventionally seen as a place accompanied with difficulties upon entering, and open our doors to everyone as a fair place, providing a place for activities full of diversity.

I hope that by changing ourselves, we can construct a society that our future children can be proud of. We look forward to your participation in COI-NEXT should you be interested in our activities.

Deputy Project Leader
Yoichi Ichikawa
  • The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Ltd.
  • General Manager, Digital Transformation Department
  • Specially Appointed Professor (Visiting),Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine

I would like to offer my greetings as a Deputy Project Leader selected from the industry side.

Having personally experienced corporate management planning and innovation, I have seen innovations created through industry-academia collaboration in other countries; I thus believe that the current industry-academia collaboration in Japan is by no means satisfactory. It is said that industry-academia collaboration in Japan does not lead to incorporation into society, but I feel that this is partly due to the fact that industry-academia collaboration is left in the hands of company R&D departments. To realize this Center's vision, we need to target a higher level of commitment from the industry side and become the driving force focused on the three areas in which we, the industrial sector, are good at: Execution, Finance and Governance.

We sincerely look forward to your participation from academia and industry if you empathize with our vision and would like to work with us toward realizing innovations welcomed by society.

Conceptual image of this Center as we envision now, to be attained 10 to 20 years hence,

offered with a single illustration. This is the image upon which this project was founded.


Promotional Video


Japanese / English

  • 美食地政学に基づくグリーンジョブマーケットの醸成共創拠点
  • ネイチャーポジティブ成長社会実現拠店
  • Japan Science and Technology Agency
  • Department of Ophthalmology
  • 眼疾患早期発見コンソーシアム